16 days agoSEP01B: Yankee Rose. Day of the Levite. Egypt. Exodus, Barack Obama, Pharaoh New York, Her grave.FaultlineGrace5607
17 days agoJUL23: There is a completion. Jesus is meant to be beside him. Mitchell's gift is the "Buck Moon."FaultlineGrace5607
17 days agoJUN04 2024: It's 14 Nisan on God's Calendar: The last meal, The Betrayal & Beatdown of Jesus.FaultlineGrace5607
17 days agoMAY28 2024: God has done it for us! Vengeance belongs to the Messiah! Approval then he escaped!FaultlineGrace5607
17 days agoMAY26 2024: Serving Jesus from sun up to sun down... and all through the night as well.FaultlineGrace5607
17 days agoMAY30 2024: Who encoded My Word? God chiseled the stone with a command of His mouth. Conquer!FaultlineGrace5607
17 days agoThe Bible codes are a gift of God to the church, and He will confirm His WORD to all of His Saints.FaultlineGrace5607
7 months ago060924b Faultline Grace -The fire of God from the book of life. The spelling He sent to us is fire.Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
3 months ago102724b Faultline Grace -YHVH God met the rejoicing man whom He tightly embraced!Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
4 months ago090224 Faultline Grace -The army ambushed Yankee Rose, NYC--life is a heap of ruinsChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
16 days agoTalkin' Rapture til The Rapture. Fat heads or Fired up hearts. I curse you in the Name of Jesus.FaultlineGrace5607
16 days agoNov22: 2 weeks from today - THE LAST GREAT DAY! Pentecost RAPTURE time! Fear God - BELIEVE.FaultlineGrace5607
1 year agoLuke 21 Jesus Predicts the Destruction of the Temple - Bible Teaching by Steve GreggThe Narrow Path
16 days agoOCT27B 2024: YHVH God met the rejoicing man whom He tightly embraced! "Heal me, O LORD" he prayed.FaultlineGrace5607
18 days agoMAR11 2024: John Cena & Dwayne - Satan/Antichrist worship. Oscar & Freemasonry. God HATES SinnersFaultlineGrace5607
17 days agoJUL17 2024: Jesus was on born on September 29, 5 BC. He died April 17th, 30 ADFaultlineGrace5607
17 days agoGod's nature is love. He hates what is contrary to His nature. He hates what is contrary to love.FaultlineGrace5607
17 days agoWho will they crucify? Grace and truth. It's all the work of God. The Gospel of YHVH is humility.FaultlineGrace5607
17 days agoJUN16 2024: Leaving Jericho and Moab to fully Trust in Jesus, under the wings of The Almighty.FaultlineGrace5607