5 months agoBorderlands 3 - Jakobs Amara (Pt. 9) \\ Starting the Handsome Jackpot & Level GrindingMSFT__kiLRoy
11 months agoBorderlands 3 - Hyperion Amara (Pt. 14) \\ Wrapping Up DLC Items & Starting Trials RunsMSFT__kiLRoy
11 months agoBorderlands 3 - Hyperion Amara (Pt. 2) \\ Skywell-27, Remember It Like It Was ElpisMSFT__kiLRoy
11 months agoBorderlands 3 - Hyperion Amara (Pt. 4) \\ Gaining New Buisiness Partners...the Rogues!MSFT__kiLRoy
7 months agoBorderlands 3 - COV Moze Finale (Pt. 18) \\ Globetrottr Farming & Taming Hemovorous!!!MSFT__kiLRoy
4 months agoBorderlands 3 - Tediore Zane (Pt. 10) \\ Psycho's & Tediore Have A Lot In Common?MSFT__kiLRoy