2 years agoSkyrim Requiem #79: Attempting to Follow Asgeld to Winterfrost Cottage, Only to Discover SaarthalTomiGun
2 years agoSkyrim Requiem #123: Our Arrival to Dragon Bridge and J'Sharr's Invitation to his Arena FightTomiGun
2 years agoSkyrim Requiem #124: Becoming a Real Gladiator (and learning how to use the dodge-evasion thing)TomiGun
2 years agoSkyrim Requiem #84: The Wreck of the Brinehammer, and the Destruction of My Beautiful Cozy Fur Tent!TomiGun
1 year agoSkyrim Requiem #155: Falskaar - To Pinevale Mine | Hunting, Bounty and an Old Journal for KaleviTomiGun
1 year agoSkyrim Requiem #167: Falskaar - Hunting Trolls, Bears and Wolves on the Way Back to Amber CreekTomiGun