Stony Brook Univ (Long Island, NY): Police Test Me But I Hold My Ground, Holy Spirit Helps Me Draw a Huge Crowd, Police Return, Crowd Swells To Over 100 Students, Lesbians, Trans, Homosexuals, Hypocrites, Muslims, Jews All Oppose Me, Crowd Goes Wild!
University of Arkansas: Great Conversations, Civil Dialogue, Calm Crowd, Later In The Day A Larger Crowd Forms, A Trans Spouts Nonsense, Jesus Christ Exalted
University of Maryland: Brother Elijah (Former Trans Woman) Joins Me & His Controversial Sign Draws Hundreds, Massive Crowds, Contending w/ Muslims, Trans, Sodomites, Atheists, Loud-Mouthed Jezebels & Hypocrites, A Totally Wild Day!
Texas Lakewood Church Shooter was Allegedly Trans - George Hill & Steve Friend; Kamala Harris is Looking to Take Over for Joe Biden - Ali Thomas; Ranchers Sound the Alarm - JD Rucker; Cancelling Mike Lindell | The Breanna Morello Show
Florida Atlantic University: Transexual Man and Lesbian Woman Come Under Conviction, Trans Removes His Female Clothes and Dresses In Normal Men's Clothing, Young Black Student Helps Me Minister To Students, Proving the Bible True to Atheists