1. Tidus! Stop looking at me or I'll crank your leg up your own ayass! - Final Fantasy X - Part 11

    Tidus! Stop looking at me or I'll crank your leg up your own ayass! - Final Fantasy X - Part 11

  2. Come sail the seven seas with me and my lion boat! - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Part 11

    Come sail the seven seas with me and my lion boat! - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Part 11

  3. Get your friggin Wind Wands out! Wind direction HYPE - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Part 12

    Get your friggin Wind Wands out! Wind direction HYPE - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Part 12

  4. LET'S REACH 120 STARS TONIGHT! LET'S A G000000000000000000000000000000000! - Super Mario 64 - Part 8

    LET'S REACH 120 STARS TONIGHT! LET'S A G000000000000000000000000000000000! - Super Mario 64 - Part 8

  5. If I die over 10 times, I'll play with a scream mask and sunglasses on lol . - Bloodborne - Part 18

    If I die over 10 times, I'll play with a scream mask and sunglasses on lol . - Bloodborne - Part 18

  6. Exploring some mysterious islands and more fun stuff! - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Part 4

    Exploring some mysterious islands and more fun stuff! - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Part 4

  7. Highlight: Ganondorf got pissed at my Father and twisted his arm until it SNAPPED! :O

    Highlight: Ganondorf got pissed at my Father and twisted his arm until it SNAPPED! :O

  8. Link gave me a painting of a fried ham yesterday... - Zelda: A Link Between Worlds - Part 6

    Link gave me a painting of a fried ham yesterday... - Zelda: A Link Between Worlds - Part 6

  9. Mario picked my Father up by the back of his neck and began swinging him! - Super Mario 64 - Part 3

    Mario picked my Father up by the back of his neck and began swinging him! - Super Mario 64 - Part 3

  10. A Classic Mario Adventure Featuring: THE RAGE OF 1000 SUNS! - Super Mario 64 - Part 4

    A Classic Mario Adventure Featuring: THE RAGE OF 1000 SUNS! - Super Mario 64 - Part 4

  11. Link cuts his steak with the Master Sword? Geez Link! - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Part 8

    Link cuts his steak with the Master Sword? Geez Link! - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Part 8

  12. I kicked Auron in the nuts and ran off! Oh sh*t here he comes! EEEeeeehh! - Final Fantasy X - Part 6

    I kicked Auron in the nuts and ran off! Oh sh*t here he comes! EEEeeeehh! - Final Fantasy X - Part 6

  13. Every star, every blue coin, 100% baby! - Super Mario: Sunshine - Part 3

    Every star, every blue coin, 100% baby! - Super Mario: Sunshine - Part 3

  14. Mario has developed this... "Shining" power and it's getting scary! - Super Mario: Sunshine - Part 4

    Mario has developed this... "Shining" power and it's getting scary! - Super Mario: Sunshine - Part 4

  15. I have a prosthetic arm stuffed with shurikens and an attitude! - Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - Part 2

    I have a prosthetic arm stuffed with shurikens and an attitude! - Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - Part 2

  16. 🎃GAAAHHH!! IT'S A WEREWOLF AND 2 DUDES! - The Quarry - Part 4

    🎃GAAAHHH!! IT'S A WEREWOLF AND 2 DUDES! - The Quarry - Part 4

  17. I found a dead skull kid laying on our welcome mat... LINK!! - Majora's Mask - Part 20

    I found a dead skull kid laying on our welcome mat... LINK!! - Majora's Mask - Part 20

  18. LET'S WANDER AROUND IN THE FORBIDDEN WOODS! Just watch out for the snakessss! - Bloodborne - Part 10

    LET'S WANDER AROUND IN THE FORBIDDEN WOODS! Just watch out for the snakessss! - Bloodborne - Part 10

  19. Link, you ARE the father! - Majora's Mask - Part 21 | Elden Ring - Part 24 (First Half)

    Link, you ARE the father! - Majora's Mask - Part 21 | Elden Ring - Part 24 (First Half)

  20. Banjo is beating goblins senseless with thier own feet! Help! - Banjo Kazooie - Part 10

    Banjo is beating goblins senseless with thier own feet! Help! - Banjo Kazooie - Part 10

  21. The Magical, Fantastical, Super Duper Happy Fun Fun Stream! - Super Mario 64 - Part 2

    The Magical, Fantastical, Super Duper Happy Fun Fun Stream! - Super Mario 64 - Part 2

  22. TINGLE! GIVE MY GLASSES BACK! THEY'RE PRESCRIPTION! - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Part 6

    TINGLE! GIVE MY GLASSES BACK! THEY'RE PRESCRIPTION! - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Part 6

  23. Let's discover some sunken treshurrrr! - The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker - Part 5

    Let's discover some sunken treshurrrr! - The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker - Part 5

  24. No excuses. No turning back! 100%! JUST. WIN. BABY. JUST. WIN! - Super Mario: Sunshine - Part 6

    No excuses. No turning back! 100%! JUST. WIN. BABY. JUST. WIN! - Super Mario: Sunshine - Part 6

  25. How long will it take until I break my keyboard over my head? - Super Mario: Sunshine - Part 5

    How long will it take until I break my keyboard over my head? - Super Mario: Sunshine - Part 5
