3 years agoSeptember 10, 2021 | Martyrs Menodora, Metrodora, and Nymphodora | Greek Orthodox Divine LiturgyGreek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece
3 years agoJanuary 20, 2022 | Saint Euthymios the Great | Greek Orthodox Divine Liturgy Live StreamGreek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece
1 month agoΤα Αγία Θεοφάνεια - Ζωντανή Μετάδοση της Θείας Λειτουργίας, Ι. Μ. ΚύκκουHoly Metropolis of Kykkos and Tillyria - The Holy, Royal and Stavropegic Monastery of the Virgin of Kykkos
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9 months agoLiturgy for children in the Cathedral of Christ the SaviorHTRAOC - Parish Priest: Protopresbyter Constantin Alecse
10 months agoDivine Liturgy Explained (1 hour video)HTRAOC - Parish Priest: Protopresbyter Constantin Alecse
11 months agoGrand Orthodox Divine Liturgy, Moscow - The Feast of St. Mark of EphesusHTRAOC - Parish Priest: Protopresbyter Constantin Alecse
3 years agoJanuary 3, 2022, Finding of the Relics of Saint Ephraim | Greek Orthodox Divine Liturgy LiveGreek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece
3 years agoNOVEMBER 28, 2021, 13TH SUNDAY OF LUKE | GREEK ORTHODOX DIVINE LITURGYGreek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece
2 years agoMarch 27, 2022 | Third Sunday of Lent: Veneration of the Cross | Greek Orthodox LiturgyGreek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece
2 years agoFebruary 27, 2022, Meatfare Sunday (Last Judgment) | Greek Orthodox Divine LiturgyGreek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece
11 months agoThe Arabic Divine Liturgy of St. John ChrysostomosHTRAOC - Parish Priest: Protopresbyter Constantin Alecse
3 years agoFebruary 1, 2022 | Saint Tryphon the Martyr | Greek Orthodox Divine LiturgyGreek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece
3 years agoDecember 3, 2021, Prophet Sophonias | Greek Orthodox Divine Liturgy Live StreamGreek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece
2 years agoSeptember 2, 2022, Mammas the Martyr | Greek Orthodox Divine LiturgyGreek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece
3 years agoJanuary 24, 2022, Saint Xenia of Rome | Greek Orthodox Divine LiturgyGreek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece
2 years agoFebruary 26, 2022, Saturday of Souls | Greek Orthodox Divine LiturgyGreek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece
2 years agoNovember 10, 2022, Holy Father Arsenios of Cappadocia | Greek Orthodox Divine LiturgyGreek Orthodox Church St. Isidoroi, Athens, Greece