WE'RE LIVING HISTORY IN REAL TIME: Elon Musk Just Officially Endorsed President Trump! + Let's Talk W.E.F. and Global Corruption.. (7/13/24) | Jimmy Corsetti, "Bright Insight".
The Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, Harvard Says "Aliens Are Living Among Us", and Practicing Fake Alien Invasions on Small Villages in South America — The PSYOP Has Begun! | Aaron Abke and J-Griff
You Can Reject What's Known as The Soul Trap/Annunaki Recycling Bin: Discussion with David Icke, Isabella Greene, Lauda Leon, and Christianne Van Wijk.
President Trump's Infamous "Bloodbath" Rally in Dayton, OH (3/17/24) — Missed it? Watch it Here! | WE in 5D: Note at The End News Max Has to Announce That the 2020 Election WAS Real and Official—You KNOW Who THEIR Bosses ✡卐𐕣 Are!