The Kuhner Report 08/04/2022 [FULL SHOW] VOTER FRAUD ALERT: Are they trying to steal Kari Lake's victory in Arizona Republican governor's primary? Prepare to see the same thing during the midterms in November...
The Kuhner Report 06/09/2022 [FULL SHOW] Armed man arrested near Brett Kavanaugh's home charged with attempting to murder a U.S. judge (This show was removed from YouTube for questioning Biden's legitimacy)
432: ARIZONA ELECTION FRAUD - This Was From 11/10 When Everyone Thought The "Results" Were Going To Declare Kari Lake The Winner - MICHELE SWINICK & ANNI CYRUS
434: ARIZONA ELECTION FRAUD - This Was From 11/9 - The Day After The Masacre Of YOUR Sacred Right To VOTE For YOUR Representatives! MICHELE SWINICK & BRANNON HOWSE