Sacramento State University: Large Crowd As I Contend w/ Muslims, Atheists, Lesbians, & Hypocrites -- Crowd Gets So Large The Admin Moves Me To a Place Where Everyone Can Fit
Return to A&M: "Loving Christians" Accuse Me Of Hate, True Christians Encourage Me, Contending with Atheists, Skeptics, Muslims -- Instructing Christians In Righteousness, Another Really Great Day On Campus!
UCLA (West Hollywood): Fantastic Conversations w/ Small Groups & Individual Students, Ministering to Muslims, Former Catholics, Hypocrites, Atheists, Skeptics, Homosexuals and Genuine Christians
UC Santa Barbara: Large Crowds, Mostly Hostile, As I Contend w/ Homosexuals, Kissing Lesbians, Mockers, Jews, a Rabbi, Atheists, Muslims & Hypocrites -- Jesus Christ Preached To Thousands!
Prof Doctorow: The Big Winner is Russia? Russia is finally to sign Mutual Defense Treaty with Iran. Russian Embassy in Syria is open and tightly protected by HTS.
Arizona State University: Bible-Wielding Hypocrites Hate My Sign & Argue With Me, Helping Me Draw A Large Crowd, Contending With Skeptics, Atheists, Hypocrites & Muslims, A Spectacular Four Hour Day of Preaching!!! (Tuesday's Preaching)
UC San Diego: "Christian" Uses the F-Bomb, Contending with Muslims, Ministering to Genuine Christians, Proving the Bible True to Atheists, Drawing More Crowds, Great Questions, Jesus is Exalted To Thousands On Campus!
University of South Florida: Great Conversation w/ A Humble Student, Contending With Several Hypocrites & Muslims, Jesus is Exalted (Thursday's Preaching)