3 years agoOVERLORD: Volume 2 – The Dark Warrior [Chapter 3 | The Wise King of The Forest]Light Novel Aloud
25 days agoAuthor Interview with Historical Fiction Writer Douglas Weissman (Writers on Their Writing Process)Authors Alcove: The Reading Nook
3 years agoOVERLORD: Volume 1 - The Undead King [Chapter 3 | Battle of Carne Village]Light Novel Aloud
3 years agoOVERLORD: Volume 3 – The Bloody Valkyrie [Chapter 5 | Player VS Non-Player Character]Light Novel Aloud
3 years agoOVERLORD: Volume 3 – The Bloody Valkyrie [Chapter 4 | Before The Death Match]Light Novel Aloud