Yuval Noah Harari | Dan Bongino & Tucker Carlson Call Out Yuval Noah Harari, “That guy (yuval noah harari) & people like him are a threat to your life. they are not just wrong, they are evil.” - Tucker Carlson + Gold Price Hits Record High!!!
Gold | BREAKING!!! Gold Hits All-Time High, But Why?! Why Are the BRICS Nations Teaming Up Militarily & Financially? JUST IN: U.S. Announces Reinforcements to the Middle East + Red Heifers Ready to Sacrifice In Israel?
Acta Non Verba | What the Action, Not the Words + Why Is Speaker Johnson Doing the Opposite of What He Said He Was Going to Do? What Is Going On w/ Ted Cruise? + Action Is the Real Measure of Intelligence + Gold Hits High!!!