1 month agoThe Foundations of the New Jerusalem and the Church Triumphant - Revelation 21:14-17 - Lesson 34The Orthodox Ethos
4 months agoChapter 4 - Those All-Important Time-Texts | Why Not Full-Preterism? A Partial-Preterist ResponseThe Narrow Path
4 months agoChapter 2 - General Intro to Full-Preterism | Why Not Full-Preterism?: A Partial-Preterist ResponseThe Narrow Path
4 months agoCh. 3 - The Parousia of Christ [2nd Coming] | Why Not Full-Preterism? A Partial-Preterist ResponseThe Narrow Path
4 months agoChapter 14 - Commentary on the Olivet Discourse | Why Not Full-Preterism? - Steve GreggThe Narrow Path
4 months agoChapter 15 - Gathering Up the Fragments | Why Not Full-Preterism?: A Partial-Preterist ResponseThe Narrow Path
4 months agoChapter 6 - Audience Relevancy | Why Not Full-Preterism? A Partial-Preterist Response - Steve GreggThe Narrow Path
4 months agoChapter 5 - Time Indicators Examined | Why Not Full-Preterism? A Partial-Preterist Response - GreggThe Narrow Path
4 months agoCh. 9 - Key Disputed Passages on the Resurrection | Why Not Full Preterism? - Steve GreggThe Narrow Path
4 months agoChapter 7 - The Resurrection According to Scripture and History | Why Not Full-Preterism? -S. GreggThe Narrow Path
4 months agoChapter 8 - The Resurrection and Rapture According to Full-Preterism | Why Not Full Preterism?The Narrow Path
4 months agoChapter 13 - Intro to the Olivet Discourse | Why Not Full Preterism?: A Partial Preterist ResponseThe Narrow Path
4 months agoChapter 12 - New Heavens and New Earth: Principal Texts | Why Not Full Preterism? - Steve GreggThe Narrow Path
4 months agoCh. 11 - New Heavens and New Earth: Initial Considerations | Why Not Full Preterism?The Narrow Path
4 months agoCh. 10 - No Marriage in the Resurrection | Why Not Full Preterism? A Partial-Preterist ResponseThe Narrow Path
2 years agoThe 1st Rider On The White Horse Is Not Jesus, But The One Who Makes A False 7 Year Peace Treaty.georgecrabb
5 months agoThe Treatise on Christ and Antichrist by Hippolytus of Rome (c. 200-220 AD)Deus Meum Que Jus
1 month agoThe Lot of Unrepentant Sinners (especially the Cowardly): The Second Death - Revelation 21:8 - L. 32The Orthodox Ethos
3 months agoThe End of the "Sea" and the Coming of the New Jerusalem - Revelation 21: 1-2 - Lesson 29The Orthodox Ethos