Robert Kiyosaki | Is BRICS Introducing a Gold-Backed Currency: Why Has Gold Gone from $444 Per Oz. to $2,400 Per Oz. Since 2005? 98% of Countries Developing CBDCs? How Liquid Is Gold? What Are Bail-Ins? $27,000 Gold?
Elon Musk | "Everything We've Developed for Our Cars, the Batteries, Advanced Motors, the AI Inference Computer, It All Applies to a Humanoid Robot. Your Own Personal R2D2, C3PO. This Will Be the Biggest Product Ever."
BRICS | "We Are Leaving the Space Dominated By the Dollar & Developing Mechanisms & Tools for a Truly Independent Financial System." - Igor Morgulov (Russian Ambassador to China - July 2024)
Business Conference | Un-Drafted Ex-NBA Player Walter Bond Shares How to Develop Winning Habits & Success Systems + Join Tim Tebow At Clay Clark's Dec 5-6 2024 Business Growth Workshop!
Business Conference | Is This the Year to Grow Your Business? Celebrating the Case Study & Success Story "You were able to help us develop processes for everything that happens within in the business."
Robert Kiyosaki | 8 URGENT Questions & Answers Including: BRICS, Why Has Gold Gone from $444 Per Oz. to $2,400 Per Oz. Since 2005? 98% of Countries Developing CBDCs? Why Are Most Wealth-Informed Investors Buying Gold?