1 year agoReading Ethereum book | Studying Go-eth source code | Reading Yellow PaperDeveloping history
1 year agoExplaining Ethereum Extended Euclidean Algorithm and reviewing Lagrange Interpolation articleDeveloping history
2 years agoReviewing graph articles | Topological Sort | Tutte Polynomial | Strongly Connected ComponentsDeveloping history
2 years agoReviewing articles | Data Structures | Arrays | Linked List | Stack | Queue and more...Developing history
2 years agoWriting Articles | Dijkstra | Prim's | Kruskal's | Bellman-Ford graph algorithmsDeveloping history
2 years agoFixing broken Routing | Blog | getStaticProps | getStaticPaths | useRouter | dynamic navigationDeveloping history
4 months agoGrand Theft Auto V (PC) [1440p144fps] Casing the Jewel Store Smart Approach - No CommentaryTheTyrannicalOne Plays
4 months agoGrand Theft Auto V (PC) [1440p144fps] Mugging 3/Grass Roots/Friend Request - No CommentaryTheTyrannicalOne Plays