FOC Show: The USA, as we know it, Comes to an END with the Fall of ‘Mystery Babylon’ and its Puppet Masters - Bo Polny; MIRACULOUS PEPTIDES: Weight Loss, Aging, Brain Function, Muscles, Healing - Dr. “So Good” Sherwood
FBI Overreach | We're Better Off... Shut it Down! - Breanna Morello; LIBERTY SAFE and FBI | The Real Answers to Rogue Government Agencies - Vidar Ligard - FOC Show
The Constitutional Infringements of Biden Administration... and what they mean For YOU! - Christie Hutcherson; The Economic Implications of Eliminating the One Thing We are Good at As a Nation - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
Maricopa County Recorder's Office Propaganda Video Claiming The Voting Machines Are Safe, Secure & Their Election Process Is One Of The Best + A Warning The Election Could Be A Violent Event Due To MAGA Republicans - ALL MIS/DIS/MAL INFORMATION
CHINA & ECONOMY | Katie Hopkins Reacts to PBD Podcast; Xi Jinping in San Francisco Meeting with US Companies; Jenna Ellis is a Fraud - Breanna Morello; Good Job America for Spending Money When You DON’T HAVE IT! - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show