1. It's My Birthday! Numbers ch 18:What is for now.. atonement, inheritance, and purification.

    It's My Birthday! Numbers ch 18:What is for now.. atonement, inheritance, and purification.

  2. Numbers ch 6: The Beautiful Benediction. Men and Women Holy Priesthood unto HaShem, Nazarite Vows

    Numbers ch 6: The Beautiful Benediction. Men and Women Holy Priesthood unto HaShem, Nazarite Vows

  3. Ti Burtzloff ( Gad the Seer, Jehu, Shemaiah, Iddo, & others) rants, & choosing honor over "frame"

    Ti Burtzloff ( Gad the Seer, Jehu, Shemaiah, Iddo, & others) rants, & choosing honor over "frame"

  4. Debate Live w/Kris Williams aka @Kdubtru a man made teacher discussing the trinity as he runs🏃Part2

    Debate Live w/Kris Williams aka @Kdubtru a man made teacher discussing the trinity as he runs🏃Part2

  5. Numbers ch 15: Born and foreigners are now the same. Stranger on the Sabbath stoned and Tassels. …

    Numbers ch 15: Born and foreigners are now the same. Stranger on the Sabbath stoned and Tassels. …

  6. Numbers ch 15: Born and foreigners are now the same. Stranger on the Sabbath stoned and Tassels. …

    Numbers ch 15: Born and foreigners are now the same. Stranger on the Sabbath stoned and Tassels. …

  7. Exposing ‎@Kdubtru a very dangerous false teacher giving people a license to sin aka faith alone

    Exposing ‎@Kdubtru a very dangerous false teacher giving people a license to sin aka faith alone

  8. Halloween is of the devil! You're not christian if you partake or celebrate this wicked evil holiday

    Halloween is of the devil! You're not christian if you partake or celebrate this wicked evil holiday

  9. Numbers ch 22: For the love of money, a donkey has more sense…What is in a name? balaams of the w…

    Numbers ch 22: For the love of money, a donkey has more sense…What is in a name? balaams of the w…

  10. How Have i Never Learned Vow Of The Disciple?!?

    How Have i Never Learned Vow Of The Disciple?!?

  11. Learning to Dress Gloriously Modest: From sexualized and common to Valued Woman of GOD

    Learning to Dress Gloriously Modest: From sexualized and common to Valued Woman of GOD
