University of Tennessee Chattanooga: Dealing w/ Mockers, 1 Female Atheist Invites Discussion, Two Pagan Bisexuals Have A Lengthy Discussion, Jesus Christ Is Exalted!
Large Crowd Forms At 2 Hr & 9 Min Mark, Holy Spirit Manifests, I Pray For Homosexual Student To Get Deliverance, Rebuking Hypocrites, Anti-Christ Trump, 7 Year Tribulation, Daniel's 70th Week, Marcus Follows Me & CRIES OUT For Salvation!
Justin Hart | Going Amish or Going AI? Seeing Through the COVID Deception, Artificial Intelligence 101, Trump Appointments, Doctor Scott Atlas, Newsy, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, & Can Trump Turn-Around American Economy?
Univ of Nevada, Reno: Another Massive Crowd, Homosexuals & Skeptics Join Forces With Catholics and Hypocrites As They Reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ