Inside the Mind of a Government Mind-Control Agent and MASTER MANIPULATOR + TAKE NOTE & BEWARE: Nearly 70% of HUMANS ARE DAMAGED! | Chase Hughes on the Danny Jones Podcast
Breaking news for the kingdom-Evidence God is real-Last chance to Repent The lamb is here- the white horse is on it's way to slay please open your ears open your eyes!
🚨 EMERGENCY MESSAGE TO TRUMP AND ALL PATRIOTS AND CONSCIOUS BEINGS/HUMANS 🚨 Alex Jones: "I'm Going to Lay Out The Illuminati Battle-Plan 72 Days From The Inauguration, and Their Plan After That [Assuming We've Made Past That!]
The Alien Love Bite: How ET’s Manipulate Human Relationships and False Twin Flames in Abduction Programs | Eve Lorgen on Michael Salla's "Exopolitcs Today"
Medical/Service Industry Workers Call the Alex Jones Show to Confirm Upcoming New COVID Lockdowns, and Mask and Vaccine Mandates! — DO NOT COMPLY, OR YOU’L BE PARTAKING IN AND TAKING ON THE UNFAVORABLE KARMA OF LOW-TIER HUMANS ON THE KARMIC WHEEL.