10 months agoShow 176: Announcing Plant Walks in Pinehurst, Bugleweed and Rabbit TobaccoSouthern Appalachian Herbal Podcast
1 year agoShow 101: New book, The Omnivore's Guide to Home CookingSouthern Appalachian Herbal Podcast
10 months agoShow 180: Burdock, Haluski, Wire Grass, Lespedeza and Wild LettuceSouthern Appalachian Herbal Podcast
4 months agoShow 204: Indian Cucumber, Jimson Weed and BittersweetSouthern Appalachian Herbal Podcast
4 months agoShow 205: Hedgenettle, Knotweed, Johnsongrass and StachysSouthern Appalachian Herbal Podcast
4 months agoShow 206: FEMA fails in WNC, Japanese Maple, Jewelweed and ChickweedSouthern Appalachian Herbal Podcast