3 years agoPart 2: Wealthiest Benefiting on Market Manipulation to Prepare for World Reset w/ Andy SchectmanSarah WestallVerified
2 years agoDisinformation Campaign Now Complete? USA's Corporate Structure vs We the People (1of2)Sarah WestallVerified
9 months agoWe are Living in the Truman Show, Endless Wars, Endless Lies, JFK's Murder w/ Dr Jerome CorsiSarah WestallVerified
7 months agoMKUltra, Operation Paperclip & Government Operations w/ MKUltra Expert Penny ShepardSarah WestallVerified
1 year agoSidestepping all Laws in Space, Space Wars and “Full Spectrum Dominance” w/ Corey LynnSarah WestallVerified
11 months agoGraphene Oxide & Heavy Metals are Literally Everywhere w/ Dr. Young & HazenSarah WestallVerified
1 year agoMore Amazing Trial Results: Incredible Healing Powers of Quantum Energy w/ Ian & PhilippSarah WestallVerified
3 years agoGlobalists Manipulating Free Will to Mock God, Why they do it w/ Chaplain Jessie CzebotarSarah WestallVerified
3 months agoSabotage & Chaos Planned to Derail and Stop Progress of Trump Admin w/ Hodges & PrestonSarah WestallVerified
1 year agoWeaponized Government has Illegal Private Agreements w/ FBI Whistleblower Nate CainSarah WestallVerified
1 year agoChina's Tactics to Take Over North American Land & Resources w/ Kevin AnnettSarah WestallVerified
3 years agoGovernment Disappearing Groups & Rounding People Up Under Guise of COVID w/ Kevin AnnettSarah WestallVerified
1 year agoFunding and Building, the WHO Globalist Takeover is Ongoing without Signed Amendments w/ RoguskiSarah WestallVerified
2 years agoAmerica at War: Rigged Elections, End of the Petro Dollar & Kill lists for ChildrenSarah WestallVerified
2 years agoState of Sweden, Immigrant Chaos Coming to Your Town, Humanity is Winning but War is not Over (1of2)Sarah WestallVerified
5 months agoHidden Health Mysteries: 🍄 Mushroom Secrets, 🧠 Mental Wellness, and Choices for You & Pets! 🐾✨Tammy Cuthbert GarciaVerified
1 year agoSide Effects and Lawsuits will take down the mRNA Producers w/ SG Dr. LadapoSarah WestallVerified
1 year agoGovernment Busing Military Aged Men Crossing Border to Towns Across US w/ Ann VandersteelSarah WestallVerified
3 years agoKim Clement "There is a Man by the Name of Mr. Clark..." - Trump PropheciesSarah WestallVerified
3 years agoPt 1: Massive Death of Undesirables: Do Ends Justify the Means? Let's Analyze Russian History w/ Tim KirbySarah WestallVerified