They Know They’ve Been Caught – Now They’re Rushing Their Plan Through -- September 24, 2023 RED ALERT WARNING FEMA ZOMBIE 5G APOCALYPSE -- CALLENDER & VLIET -- GET READY!! So China, Now USA!
The Illuminati & CFR, Communism & the Communist U.N., & So Much More, Exposed -- Stunning 1967 Dissertation: Myron C. Fagan Exposes the Infiltration of Rothschild Luciferians in the US 'Government'
LIKE MOTHS TO THE FLAME, TO BE BURNED BY THE FIRE: China's Emerging Global Leadership Isn't Just the Result of Subsidies: Entrepreneurship Still Matters in This Market
Part 1 of 5 - IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON CORONAVIRUS 5G KUNG FLU & The 'Bill Gates funded' WHO / UN Agenda 21-2030 depopulation plan via 5G 60GhZ millimeter waves & toxic corona