The Internet of Bodies | Karen Kingston Shares the Patents That Prove The ENTIRE The Internet of Bodies | Karen Kingston Shares the Patents That Prove The ENTIRE Intra-Body-Nano-Network-Administered-Through-Vaccines Transhumanism-The-Internet-of-Bodies-Ce
Robin Bullock | Robin Discusses: Yuval Noah Harari, the World Economic Forum, CERN, the Depopulation Agenda, the Dangers of RHINOS, CS Lewis, the Coming Return of the Lion of Judah and Why NOW Is Not the Time for Tribulation
The Surveillance State Explained | The Surveillance State Explained Including- CBDCs, Street Lights That Kill & "They Are Listening In. If Your Device Has a Microphone They Are Listening. Your Cell Phone Is Listening
The Great Reset | G20 Panel Calls for Global Digital Health Passports | "Let's Have a Digital Health Certificate Acknowledged by WHO. If You Have Been Vaccinated or Tested Properly, Then You Can Move Around"
Klaus Schwab | It Dates Back to 1971. It's Now 600 Highly Educated People Located Around the World Particularly In Geneva Where Our Headquarters Is. The Fourth Industrial Revolution Is Very Disturbing Progress for Many People