11 months agoIt's not always the governments fault when we give them the power to destroy usNova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin PodcastVerified
11 months agoLooking to get the solution out to every man and women on earthNova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin PodcastVerified
11 months agoFree to Farm building the community and looking for solutionsNova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin PodcastVerified
10 months agoTulips 4 Freedom buttons making it's way across CanadaNova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin PodcastVerified
10 months agoBreaking news our very first independent will run in the next electionNova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin PodcastVerified
10 months agoBreaking News Manitoba Stronger Together Conference happening June 21, 22 and 23rdNova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin PodcastVerified
1 year agoCanadian Military Whistle blower my bank account were seized by the government Kirk Riesesos60Verified
3 years agoEpisode 29: Censorship of Speech by the Biden Administration, Social Media Giants, and DHSFAITH AND FREEDOM FIGHTERSVerified
4 months agoHIER IST JOHN DOE (1941) Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck & Edward Arnold | Komödie | KoloriertVELORENE und GEFUNDENE FILME
4 months agoHIER IST JOHN DOE (1941) Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck & Edward Arnold | Komödie | KoloriertVELORENE und GEFUNDENE FILME
4 months agoHIER IST JOHN DOE (1941) Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck & Edward Arnold | Komödie | SchwarzweißVELORENE und GEFUNDENE FILME
4 months agoARRIVA JOHN DOE (1941) Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck e Edward Arnold | Commedia | ColoratoFILM PERDUTI e RITROVATI
4 months agoARRIVA JOHN DOE (1941) Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck e Edward Arnold | Commedia, Drammatico | P&BFILM PERDUTI e RITROVATI
2 years agoMUST WATCH! Mattias Desmet & Tucker Carlson Discuss Mass Formation (Complete Interview)Nova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin PodcastVerified
3 months agoBulletin STRATPOL N°213. Moscou ne répond plus, frappe balistique, Bunker Barrot. 22.11.2024.Stratpol
2 years agoSTRATPOL Bulletin N°105. Macron : la sale guerre, le général Hiver. 27.10.2022. #xaviermoreauboumaiza
4 months agoBulletin STRATPOL N°210. Dourakovleff se surpasse, effondrement du front sud-est ? 31.10.2024.Stratpol
4 months agoBulletin STRATPOL N°209. Sommet des BRICS, « chaudronisation » et « ouglédarisation ». 25.10.2024.Stratpol
6 months agoBulletin STRATPOL N° 201. Démocrature française, débâcle sur le front de l’est. 30.08/2024.Stratpol
5 months agoBulletin STRATPOL N°203. Chaudronisation générale, CIA – MI6 vs Russie, Aveux de Nuland. 13.09.2024.Stratpol
4 months agoBulletin STRATPOL N°207. Macron et la 7e Cie, Anne de Kiev, solution coréenne. 11.10.2024.Stratpol
6 months agoBulletin STRATPOL N°198. Bataille de KOURSK 2.0, Pentagone : ambitions et réalités. 09.08.2024.Stratpol
6 months agoBulletin STRATPOL N°197. Nouvelle croisade, liturgie laïque, F-16 magiques. 02.08.2024.Stratpol