1. How Yale Prof. of Ped. Surgery leaves it all behind, and becomes 2018 VIP Spiritual Leader Top Pick.

    How Yale Prof. of Ped. Surgery leaves it all behind, and becomes 2018 VIP Spiritual Leader Top Pick.

  2. Eli Hans on Connecting To Your Intuition and Your Future Healthy Self During Treatment

    Eli Hans on Connecting To Your Intuition and Your Future Healthy Self During Treatment

  3. What To Say And What Not To Say to Cancer Patients With Jeanette Carbajal, CHHC, CCC

    What To Say And What Not To Say to Cancer Patients With Jeanette Carbajal, CHHC, CCC

  4. 12c - Nervii scoși sau endodonțiile - Când dantura devine cauză a bolii

    12c - Nervii scoși sau endodonțiile - Când dantura devine cauză a bolii

  5. 12 - Cand dantura devine o cauza a bolii, o incalcare de legii

    12 - Cand dantura devine o cauza a bolii, o incalcare de legii
