1. Authortube Read Along! The Garden of Lies - Chapter 3

    Authortube Read Along! The Garden of Lies - Chapter 3

  2. The Garden of Lies Chapter 21 "I'm so damn sorry"

    The Garden of Lies Chapter 21 "I'm so damn sorry"

  3. Authortube Read Along! The Garden of Lies - Chapter 1

    Authortube Read Along! The Garden of Lies - Chapter 1

  4. Right-Wing Dystopian Fiction? | Stay Tuned by Liam Baker

    Right-Wing Dystopian Fiction? | Stay Tuned by Liam Baker

  5. The Garden of Lies Ch 24 "Dalj and Sinkotsu"

    The Garden of Lies Ch 24 "Dalj and Sinkotsu"

  6. Is City Construction Anti-Woman? | Feminist City by Leslie Kern

    Is City Construction Anti-Woman? | Feminist City by Leslie Kern

  7. Philosophy of reading - Book Tag

    Philosophy of reading - Book Tag

  8. Review - The Oath Keeper's servant

    Review - The Oath Keeper's servant

  9. The Garden of Lies Chapter 25 "Unload the Traps"

    The Garden of Lies Chapter 25 "Unload the Traps"

  10. The Art of War by Sun Tzu - Overview & Discussion

    The Art of War by Sun Tzu - Overview & Discussion

  11. I met my wife on the worst night of her life

    I met my wife on the worst night of her life

  12. The Garden of Lies - Chapter 15 "if you can't be good, be careful"

    The Garden of Lies - Chapter 15 "if you can't be good, be careful"

  13. The Garden of Lies Chapter 17 "Lovers Eternal"

    The Garden of Lies Chapter 17 "Lovers Eternal"

  14. ARCHETYPES OF CONFLICT! And why your story NEEDS them.

    ARCHETYPES OF CONFLICT! And why your story NEEDS them.

  15. The Garden of Lies: Ch 16 "Ripjaws"

    The Garden of Lies: Ch 16 "Ripjaws"

  16. A casual discussion of Shifter Lore - With Caitlyn Richardson of "writer uninterrupted"

    A casual discussion of Shifter Lore - With Caitlyn Richardson of "writer uninterrupted"

  17. Reaction! In Deep Geek LOTR From the Witch King's Perspective

    Reaction! In Deep Geek LOTR From the Witch King's Perspective

  18. The Iron Man Podcast | EP 170 | Halloween 2023 Celebration | Halloween Franchise Ranking & Tierlist

    The Iron Man Podcast | EP 170 | Halloween 2023 Celebration | Halloween Franchise Ranking & Tierlist

  19. HE WAS MY OWN EDWARD CULLEN: POWER & OBSESSED | A New Calling by Sylvian Breker

    HE WAS MY OWN EDWARD CULLEN: POWER & OBSESSED | A New Calling by Sylvian Breker

  20. HE WAS MY OWN EDWARD CULLEN: POWER & OBSESSED | A New Calling by Sylvian Breker

    HE WAS MY OWN EDWARD CULLEN: POWER & OBSESSED | A New Calling by Sylvian Breker
