2 years agoGod Is Evil for Condoning Human Sacrifices with Isaac? (Genesis 21:24-22:8) | Dr. Gene KimREAL Bible Believers
2 years agoWhy Did God Choose a Ram Not a Lamb for Isaac? (Genesis 22:9-23) | Dr. Gene KimREAL Bible Believers
2 years agoTHIS VIDEO SCARED ALL CHRISTIANS! (God Is Afraid Too) | Dr. Gene Kim (UC Berkeley & PBI)REAL Bible Believers
2 years agoFAMOUS PASTORS Caught in PERVERTED Acts! | Dr. Gene Kim (UC Berkeley & PBI)REAL Bible Believers
2 years agoDid Abraham Do Something Sexually Inappropriate? (Genesis 23:17-24:14) | Dr. Gene KimREAL Bible Believers
2 years agoWhere is the Greatest Picture of the Church in the Bible? (Genesis 24:14-53) | Dr. Gene KimREAL Bible Believers