EVEN ROSEANNE KNOWS IT—Preparing for Communications Shutdown/"Cyber Attack"/Black Swan Event! | Chris Hoar on The Roseanne Barr Podcast: Bonus Episode!
Former FBI and Ex-Military Reveals the Fate of America—IT WILL FALL AND FAIL, But the Phoenix CAN Rise From the Ashes, Removing the U.S. Corporation and Rebuilding America the Republic. | WE in 5D: AT THIS STAGE This is the Bottlenecked Timeline Left.
“Money is Really Just Energy” (LOA Talk) | The Roseanne Talk Show: Donald Trump, and Michael Moore [Together!] + Virginia Graham (1998) — Donald Enters at 11:30
2 BLACK PILLED's (Important Detail to Remember) Argue About How American Citizens Can Endure and Protect Themselves During the Current Collapse of the Old World. | Tim Pool Debates Harrison Smith of InfoWars
John L. Peterson: Is it REALLY All About Strictly Operating in a Spiritual Space, or is There a Point Where it Comes to YOU SAYING "NO!!!" and Taking Action? Gregg Braden: The New Age Movement is a PsyOp in Itself! WE DO HAVE TO FIGHT.
The Illuminati Being All-Controlling and Powerful is Nothing More Than HOW THEY PRESENT! + REAL Green Goals without Illuminati Perversion/Inversion, and a Little Vision of a New Earth Lifestyle. | Jean Nolan, “Inspired”.
The Flying Saucer (1950 Full Movie) [Sci-Fi/Thriller] | SUMMARY: Both an American CIA agent, along with his Girl Friday, and a Russian KGB spy investigate UFO sightings in Alaska.
MANY Have Jumped w/out a Parachute. Abraham Hicks: Don’t Worry, it’ll Be Over Soon! | WE in 5D: We’re at the Checkpoint Where Either You Did it or Didn’t/You Made it or Didn’t. There’s Nothing Left to Help in Mass. Leaving Rumble Shortly!
The Man Who Followed Elon Musk Everywhere: Inside Elon Musk — Regina Meredith | Those with a Natural Aversion to Musk, THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. Save Yourself the Triggering. This is a NEUTRAL OBJECTIVE Look at Musk, and ALSO Not a Musk-Worship Video.