Few People are a Legend Among Legends. This is One of Them! Happy Birthday, Lucille Ball!!! 🎂 (8/6/1911) | Redhead Tales: Colorizing "I Love Lucy". #CuzIWantTo
#276 Satanic Panic - We Won't Get Fooled Again - History Repeats...Will We Do It Again? Demons Are Controlling Our Country & Sex Slave Trafficking Our Children - WHY DO WE ALLOW IT? | JESUS ROCKS - LUCY DIGRAZIA
#288 Don't ASSume The Word! Things That We Believe Are In The Bible, That Are NOT! Same Goes For ALL Candidates & Politicians...DON'T ASSume Any Of Their Words Are TRUTHFUL - Especially About ELECTION FRAUD! | JESUS ROCKS - LUCY DIGRAZIA
The Long, Long Trailer (1954 Full Movie) | Romantic/Comedy | Summary: Nicholas Collini (Desi), an engineer, travels for work. His soon-wife, Stacy (Lucy), suggests traveling together via motor home. But when they do it takes a toll on their marriage.