1. Chewbacca's Evil Cousin Twice-Removed | BMuz Reviews | #1

    Chewbacca's Evil Cousin Twice-Removed | BMuz Reviews | #1

  2. DC HEROES UNITED, EP 4, Breakdown, Reaction, Review, WARNING SPOILERS Batman, Superman

    DC HEROES UNITED, EP 4, Breakdown, Reaction, Review, WARNING SPOILERS Batman, Superman

  3. SILENCE OF THE LAMBS (1991) Breakdown | Easter Eggs, Hidden Details, Making Of & Ending Explained

    SILENCE OF THE LAMBS (1991) Breakdown | Easter Eggs, Hidden Details, Making Of & Ending Explained

  4. Eternals Review | Did it deserve a low score? (Movie Podcast)

    Eternals Review | Did it deserve a low score? (Movie Podcast)

  5. Detective Comics: A Lonely Place of Living -- Review Compilation (2016, DC Comics)

    Detective Comics: A Lonely Place of Living -- Review Compilation (2016, DC Comics)

  6. TakuTalk 215- The Battinson

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  7. The Batman Review, Also response to Ryan Kimmel. (#Spoilers)

    The Batman Review, Also response to Ryan Kimmel. (#Spoilers)

  8. Duel of the Fates | BMuz Reviews | #7

    Duel of the Fates | BMuz Reviews | #7

  9. Vengeance leads to….a Batman Review [Beauty and the VitO review The Batman 2022]

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  10. Cheap Fakes & Sick6 Disney | Episode #13 - The Dragon's Den Podcast

    Cheap Fakes & Sick6 Disney | Episode #13 - The Dragon's Den Podcast
