Mike in the night E590 - Its all a Script , Everything they tell you is a lie, They are now showing their Poker Hand, Next weeks News Today, Headlines Call ins
Mike in the Night! E587 - Pathetic Joe Biden to Award Democrat Hillary Clinton and Leftist George Soros the Medal of Freedom, Christmas chaos in France: Knife attacks, hundreds of gifts stolen, arson attack on a nativity scene, and a cemetery robbed,
Mike in the night! E577 - FU Joe Rogan, Pennsylvania Accused of Election Fraud, MSNBC calls on anti-Trump Americans to murder Trump supporters and “stop Hitler”, Its a Big show! , Call ins Headlines
Mike in the Night E575 - A big bag of shit ! , Canada is Fu cke d, USA is F u ck ed , more bullshit banker wars, Next weeks News Today , Headlines, Call ins
Mike in the Night! E569 - Kentucky police resume manhunt for gunman, Tony Blair Threatens To Take Control of the Internet, UK Considers Sending Criminals To Prisons In Estonia, California Schools Set To Begin Mandatory ‘Climate Change’ Curriculum
Mike in the Night E570 - What a Bunch of shit! , 20,000-plus migrant INVASION sweeps Springfield, Ohio, Moroccan migrant rapes social worker in Belgian prison days before his scheduled release, Next weeks News Today , Headlines, Call ins
Mike in the Night E573 - World Bank Wants to Replace Your Signature with Biometrics and Digital IDs, Illegal migrant crossings skyrocket 50-fold, FEMA Does Not Have Enough Money to Make It Through Hurricane Season
Mike in the Night E571 - As we advised President Trump Shares Kahn’s #1 Song ‘Fighter’, US Border Stopped 1,200 Terror Suspects From Canada, Bulgaria – not Hungary – manufactured the pager bombs used in Israel attack against Hezbollah that le
Mike in the Night E584 - Gates Insider Admits ‘War Drones’ Are Spraying Chemtrails Over America, Ukraine will have to trade land for peace – EU state’s president, Next Weeks News Today, Headlines , Call ins
Mike in the Night E574 - Brits Told To ‘Take Action’ As New BS Covid Variant Surges, union-wide database of all citizens’ personal assets, Lebanon conflict, Canada Needs To Prepare For Bank Runs, Something will Happen to Trump, Next weeks News Today