1. Amber Heard's Testimony is a DISASTER! Incoherent, Rambling and Staged! Trial Day 15

    Amber Heard's Testimony is a DISASTER! Incoherent, Rambling and Staged! Trial Day 15

  2. What the Jury Question Means At the End of JURY WATCH in Depp V. Heard! Also #EveBarlowisaJoke

    What the Jury Question Means At the End of JURY WATCH in Depp V. Heard! Also #EveBarlowisaJoke

  3. Angel Tarot Reading 🔮 Johnny Depp ⚖️ Amber Heard Trial Outcome. Calling in The Violet Flame 💜❤️‍🔥

    Angel Tarot Reading 🔮 Johnny Depp ⚖️ Amber Heard Trial Outcome. Calling in The Violet Flame 💜❤️‍🔥

  4. Tarot Reading ~ Johnny Depp Outcome of Trial ~ Encore Tarot en Francaise 🌹 5-30-22 🔮

    Tarot Reading ~ Johnny Depp Outcome of Trial ~ Encore Tarot en Francaise 🌹 5-30-22 🔮

  5. Happy Birthday Johnny Depp!! Tarot-scope for his year ahead! 🔮🦋🌌🌟👑

    Happy Birthday Johnny Depp!! Tarot-scope for his year ahead! 🔮🦋🌌🌟👑

  6. Amber Heard ~ How The Jury is Feeling 🔮 Johnny Depp & Camille? 💘 Tarot Reading. Friday May 13th 🪄

    Amber Heard ~ How The Jury is Feeling 🔮 Johnny Depp & Camille? 💘 Tarot Reading. Friday May 13th 🪄

  7. Tarot Reading 🔮 Johnny Depp v Amber Heard ~ How is the Jury Currently Feeling? Day 17 ⚡️🌞🌈

    Tarot Reading 🔮 Johnny Depp v Amber Heard ~ How is the Jury Currently Feeling? Day 17 ⚡️🌞🌈

  8. Tarot Reading ~ Whitney Heard & Johnny’s Career Future 🔮 & Chat About The Professor Film 🎥 🌟🎬

    Tarot Reading ~ Whitney Heard & Johnny’s Career Future 🔮 & Chat About The Professor Film 🎥 🌟🎬

  9. Johnny Depp ~ The Wound Of Empathy ~ Chiron in Pisces ~ Sedona S🌞Nday Chat

    Johnny Depp ~ The Wound Of Empathy ~ Chiron in Pisces ~ Sedona S🌞Nday Chat

  10. Team Johnny Depp or Amber Heard: Celebrities take Sides!

    Team Johnny Depp or Amber Heard: Celebrities take Sides!

  11. Tarot Reading 🧚🏼 Johnny Depp & Amber Heard ~ Wishing she had called a truce! 🫢 Day 12 ~ May 2 🔮

    Tarot Reading 🧚🏼 Johnny Depp & Amber Heard ~ Wishing she had called a truce! 🫢 Day 12 ~ May 2 🔮

  12. Johnny Depp ~ Life Path & Soul Blueprint 🌟💫 ~ Tarot & Oracle Reading. 🔮

    Johnny Depp ~ Life Path & Soul Blueprint 🌟💫 ~ Tarot & Oracle Reading. 🔮
