Rothschild IMF-World bank Lebanon Branch Cartel is Throwing Lebanese People For New World Order Wolves - Economic Collapse, 264% Inflation, Debt Default, Currency Devaluation, Banks Shut, IMF "Deal"
CBDCs | Elon Musk 101, FTX, FX Swap Debt a $80 Trillion 'Blind Spot' Global Regulators Say,"FTX Was an OP That Got Brought Down In an OP...Vaccine Passports Are the End of Freedom In the West." - Catherine Austin Fitts
GOLD | What Are Bail-Ins? + Gold Hits All-Time High!!! Will the U.S. Dollar Die? "U.S. Debt Rising By $1 Trillion Every 3 Months & U.S. Interest Expense Rising By $100 Billion Every 4 Months" - Zero Hedge 3/28/24 + Is Silver Set to Soar?!
w/Dr Roberts: U.S. national debt significance, causes of inflation, upcoming war and more. Why US $ maybe the safest place to park your money, sounds crazy but…