FOC Show: Klaus Schwab, Elon Musk, Xi Jinping, Yuval Noah Harari are ALL IN FAVOR OF 4 THINGS... - Clay Clark; Rules for DEFEATING Radicals - Chris Adamo
The Constitutional Infringements of Biden Administration... and what they mean For YOU! - Christie Hutcherson; The Economic Implications of Eliminating the One Thing We are Good at As a Nation - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
FOC Show: They Don't Want the Public to See this Video - Economic Update; The Believer's Battle Plan. WHAT DO WE DO?; The One Thing that Changes Everything - Todd Coconato
LOCKDOWNS | Shutdowns to Lawsuits... What is the RIGHT Thing to Do? - Alfie Oakes; Banks Are Closing Branches and US Treasury Direct Freezes Customers Money - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show