2/16/24 Evil origin of Statue of Liberty? How the elite, steal/stole our wealth “legally”! Shocking Disney pilot never aired! Ukraine is money laundering! Exploring J6!
2/28/24 Oliver Stone Putin Interview/Ukraine coup! Our US govt coups & how they’re done! Tucker Carlson exposes the national security state as the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States!
3/6/24 Drop dead hour? #BohemianGrove, what’s real? #RyanGarcia bombshell! How they collect data on us! Nuland, John Kerry, Nikki Haley, McConnel step down!
5/2/24 2nd Boeing whistleblower dies! Mich. passes bill to cheat! EID tags on cattle? Austin overdose outbreak, False allegations of antisemitic attacks! Where’s transgender ideology from? How much AID do we give Israel?
1/24/24 Nikola Tesla coils & programming good frequencies. Wifi, Smart Meters & dirty electricity! How to offset with Sound, light & numerical frequencies!