Garfield’s Halloween Adventure (1985 Halloween TV Special) | #Animated/Family | Summary: Garfield and Odie encounter ghosts and ghouls when they become stranded in a haunted house on Halloween night. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
The Mummy's Ghost (1944 Full Movie) | Horror/Fantasy | John Carradine, Robert Lowery, Ramsay Ames. | Summary: A 3000-year-old limping mummy (Lon Chaney) seeks his reincarnated princess (Ramsay Ames) in a Midwestern college town. | #HappyHalloween
Calling Out Halloween Special: Naomi Wolf, Brian O'Shea, Dr. Drew, Cindy Kaza, Lauren Rainbow, Paulina Pinsky & More - Calling Out w/ Susan Pinsky – Ep 157