GOLD | "In 2022, the U.S. Dollar Accounted for 58% of All Foreign Reserves Down from 78% In 2002? What' Taken It's Place? BRICS Have Made Tremendous Progress On A New World Order Through Dedollarization."
BRICS | "The Dollar's Days At the World's Reserve Currency Are Quickly Coming to An End." - Lynette Zang (Lynette Zang | Lynette Zang has held the position of Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading since 2002)
General Flynn & Peter Navarro | General Flynn & Peter Navarro Discuss: The Weaponization of the Monetary & Legal Systems "It's Bigger Than Losing Any War (Losing the Dollar As the World's Reserve Currency)." - Trump
General Flynn | Will the Epstein List Ever Get Exposed? As of Jan 1st 2024, BRICS Has Doubled In Size?! "The Nature of Money Is Going to Change Dramatically." - Yuval Noah Harari + What Is the Federal Reserve? How Did Epstein Compromise People?
BRICS | "It Was Announced 13 New Nations Have Been Accepted As Official Partner States of BRICS." - Petrova CPA (10/25/2024) + "(Losing Dollar As the World's Reserve Currency Status) It's Worse Than Losing Any War." - Trump
BTFP (Bank Term Funding Program) | "There Will Be Bank Failures." - 3/7/24 - Jerome Powell (U.S. Fed Chair) + What Happens When the Fed Program Started March 2023 to Allow Banks to Borrow from the Federal Reserve Ends Monday?
Doctor Richard Bartlett | Who Can We Trust? Can We Trust the U.S. Military? Can We Trust the World Health Organization? Can We Trust Hollywood, Kushner, the U.S. Dollar, U.S. Banks, the Federal Reserve, the CIA or the U.S. Military?
BRICS | "BRICS Is Working On Independent Payment System, Free from Political Pressure, Abuse And External Interference." - Vladimir Putin (President of Russia) | BRICS Nation Exploring New Reserve Currency Backed By Gold
Dollar Collapse | "Even the U.S. Allies Are Now Downsizing Their Dollar Reserves." - Russian President Vladimir Putin + Will BRICS Accelerate Launch of Their Financial System Following Seizure of Russian Assets & Sanctions?!