General Flynn | How Did They Lose SecDef Austin? 30+ Countries to Join BRICS? China & Russia's Quantum Satellite Link, Graphene Semiconductors & Surveillance Under the Skin? “COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin.” - Yuval Noah Hara
Steve Sailer has spent a lifetime observing human behavior and coming to obvious, sensible conclusions. For the crime of noticing reality, he’s been ostracized, although secretly everyone still reads him.
The De-Dollarization & Global Recession Begins: The Great Reset & Rise of A New World Order - Jim Rickards + BRICS Formally Invites Six New Countries to Join BRICS Including: "Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Ara
The 5 Point Plan To Take Back America & More Devil State of Arizona Updates - It's Time To Hold Them ALL Accountable...They Work For US & Have DESTROYED Our Country! | RAY MICHAELS