3 years ago"Frost & Flame" Resin experiment, wood turning lathe project. Fight child trafficking, ArtForOUR.orgArt Giving Hope
5 months agoEp 036 Moko and Meaning: The Emotional and Cultural Significance of Maori Tattoos with Danny LurmanTransformative Marks Podcast
3 years ago"Liberty Tree" wood turning and a HUGE copper sculpture. Fight child trafficking at ArtForOUR.orgArt Giving Hope
2 years ago"Bendy Birch" power tool carving using the lathe. Large sculpture carved from spalted tree trunk.Art Giving Hope
1 year agoWind River Adventure. Enjoy a photographic adventure through the Rocky Mountains. ArtForOUR.orgArt Giving Hope
4 years ago#14 Neuromas, Morton's. Dr Dan Preece, Lecturing to Support Operation Underground Railroad.Art Giving Hope
4 years ago"Autumn Windows". Fall leaves, resin, Birch Wood bowl wood turning. Support O.U.R. at ArtForOUR.orgArt Giving Hope
3 years agoEp 43: Roxanne Saffaie Carving a Path for High Performance | The Courtenay Turner PodcastCourtenayTurnerVerified
3 years ago"The Amazon", apple wood, resin and lilac twigs turned into a vase. Lathe turning. ArtForOUR.orgArt Giving Hope
3 years ago"Fall Night" Resin, cherry wood and lilac branches. Turned by hand on the lathe. Wood turning.Art Giving Hope
2 years agoTartaria Explained Part 7/7 - Classical Art, Petrifaction, Melted Buildings By Mind UnveiledRe-WritingHistory2Q2Q
3 years ago"Tree of Life". Resin, wire tree and cherry wood vase. Wood turning on the lathe. ArtForOUR.orgArt Giving Hope
3 years agoUniversal History: The Deep Symbolism of Groundhog Day | with Richard RohlinThe Symbolic World
3 years ago"Aftermath" Wood and Resin Turning, capturing an explosion in resin. Birchwood Vase. O.U.R.Art Giving Hope
3 years ago"Phoenix Flyby" wood and resin vase with Macaw feathers. Wood and Resin Lathe Turning Project.Art Giving Hope
3 years ago"The Guide" vase made from resin/wood and turned on the lathe. Wood Turning project.Art Giving Hope