1 year agoAll night GFE only $85?👯♀️😯Angeles City Philippines 🇵🇭 bar girl rejects gringo, changed mind420Jon69
1 year agoFresh 18 year old bar girl exposes the bar girl life & its not what she thought it would be👯♀️😭420Jon69
11 months agoGetting girls in their prime vs their Decline - don’t be the guy that saves them 🤔👯♀️📈📉420Jon69
1 year agoCasanova's Hong Kong Tijuana Playbook for getting girls comfortable & standing out 👯♀️🍹420Jon69
1 year agoDaytime girls at Hong Kong club & tijuana street are getting hotter & more plentiful 👯♀️👯♀️👯♀️420Jon69
1 year agoPassport Bros Men of ALL RACES going OVERSEAS to find love & american women are upset420Jon69
1 year agoHelping girls when they don’t ask for help and scheduling hanging out with multiple girls420Jon69