1 year agoNever Give Up And You Will Get There - Give Up And It's Over - David Icke Dot-Connector VideocastDavid Icke
2 years agoDavid Icke - The Royals - Time To Face Facts - Dot-Connector Videocast (Nov 2019)DAVID ICKE UNOFFICIAL
2 years agoDavid Icke - Follow Your Leader - Over The Cliff - Dot-Connector Videocast (Aug 2022)DAVID ICKE UNOFFICIAL
2 years agoDavid Icke - World Events Are Not Pre-Planned? Watch This - Dot-Connector Videocast (Apr 2022)DAVID ICKE UNOFFICIAL
2 years agoDavid Icke - What The Climate Hoax has really been about - Dot-connector Videocast (Mar 2022)DAVID ICKE UNOFFICIAL
2 years agoThe Denier Technique And The Manipulation Of Emotion - David Icke Dot-Connector VideocastDavid Icke
2 years agoClimate 'Crisis' And Migrant Crisis - Two Dots On The Same Agenda - David Icke VideocastDavid Icke
2 years agoDavid Icke - You Want Lies And Nonsense, Then Ask The Experts - Dot-connector Videocast (Sep 2022)DAVID ICKE UNOFFICIAL
2 years agoDavid Icke - Hidden Hand Tour Of London - Dot-Connector Videocast Special (Jun 2018)DAVID ICKE UNOFFICIAL
1 year agoDavid Icke - The Moronic Variant & The Hidden Gods - Dot-Connector Videocast (Dec 2021)DAVID ICKE UNOFFICIAL
2 years agoDavid Icke - Psychopathy - The Human Disease - Dot-connector Videocast (Mar 2022)DAVID ICKE UNOFFICIAL
2 years ago'David Icke' "If You Fly The Flag = You've Been Had! 'David Icke' 'Dot-Connector Videocast'AndreCorbeilVerified
2 years agoDavid Icke - Where They Want You, Locked Away - Dot-Connector videocast (Jul 2022)DAVID ICKE UNOFFICIAL
2 years agoDavid Icke - Man Of The People? No, Man Of The Cult - Dot-Connector Videocast (Sep 2022)DAVID ICKE UNOFFICIAL
2 years agoDavid Icke - Yuval Noah Harari, Comfirming What I Said Is True - Dot-Connector Videocast (Sep 2022)DAVID ICKE UNOFFICIAL
2 years agoDavid Icke - Why Take Sides, When It's All The Same Web? - Dot-Connector Videocast (Mar 2022)DAVID ICKE UNOFFICIAL
2 years agoDavid Icke - Who Controls Your Life, You Do - Dot-Connector Videocast (Nov 2021)DAVID ICKE UNOFFICIAL
2 years agoDavid Icke - West vs East - Masks on The Same Face - Dot-Connector Videocast (Jul 2022)DAVID ICKE UNOFFICIAL