Lance Wallnau | Is the Spirit of Pythos Here? Why Is U.K. Sensoring Russell Brand? Why Is Canada Re-Educating Jordan Peterson? Why Did American Express Slash MyPillow’s Credit Line By 90%? + Why Did Zelenskyy Bring In Marina Abramovic?
De-Dollarization | "Now the Dollar Could Lose Its Reserve Status Gradually & Then Suddenly. This Could Work Out Pretty Good for BRICS Members Like Russia & China Who Are the Two Largest Gold Producers In The World. Canada Has Zero Gold Reserv
Lance Wallnau | Is the Spirit of Pythos Here? Why Is U.K. Sensoring Russell Brand? Why Is Canada Re-Educating Jordan Peterson? Why Did AMEX Slash MyPillow’s Credit Line By 90%? Will Banks Begin Restricting Purchasing Freedom Next?