University at Buffalo: Preaching To Thousands In The Rain, An Angry & Deceived Muslim Claims Allah and Yahweh Are The Same, A Christian Female Asks About My Method, Ministering To An Atheist & Cultural Christian, A Great Day Of Preaching!
UC Santa Barbara: Curious Jew Asks Questions, Agnostic Comes Under Conviction, New Christian Student Helps Me Minister, Muslim Speaks w/ Me At Length But When I Confront Him on Allah Lying, He Refuses To Answer, I Rebuke Him, Crowd Forms, Exalting Jesus!
University of Maryland: Started Out With Calm Conversations w/ Small Groups, Then I Rebuked A Proud Muslim for Muhammed's Pedophilia, Holy Spirit Tells Me To Throw My Koran On The Ground and Stomp On It, Draws Large Crowd, I Rebuke A Hypocrite
Univ of Maryland: Demon Possessed Woman Rants & Raves, Rebuking A Muslim, Rebuking A Professor, Rebuking A Hypocrite, Encouraged By A New Born Again Christian
UNC Charlotte: Convicted Muslim Yells In My Face, 9 Conversations w/ 9 Different Students, Ministering to Skeptics, Atheists, Fake Christians & Sincere Christians, One Student Prays For Me
University of Tennessee at Knoxville: Several Great Conversations w/ Atheists, Skeptics & Christians, One Sinner Dumps Ranch Dressing All Over Me, A Muslim Threatens to Murder Me, The Gospel of Jesus Christ Goes Forth!
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana: Calm & Civil Crowd, Pastor Joshua Helps Me Minister, One Student Boldly Preaches the Gospel, A Sincere Muslim, Lots of Great Questions