1. Feminist's lust to be a man is responsible for hookup culture and the deadening of the womb

    Feminist's lust to be a man is responsible for hookup culture and the deadening of the womb

  2. Women will make a lot more sense once you understand these principles

    Women will make a lot more sense once you understand these principles

  3. The key to Jesus' Analogous thinking is only manifested to those not of this world

    The key to Jesus' Analogous thinking is only manifested to those not of this world

  4. My God, My God, why didst thou forsake me? Who heard or thought they heard Elijah?

    My God, My God, why didst thou forsake me? Who heard or thought they heard Elijah?

  5. How to be in an environment where our head is brought back down to the body

    How to be in an environment where our head is brought back down to the body

  6. The Judgement, That Light Hath Come To The World, And Men Did Love The Darkness!

    The Judgement, That Light Hath Come To The World, And Men Did Love The Darkness!

  7. Post Wall Chad chasing single mothers expect you to support Chad's anchor baby

    Post Wall Chad chasing single mothers expect you to support Chad's anchor baby
