Yuval Noah Harari | "Christianity Which Sees Itself As the Religion of Love Was Responsible for More Violence Than Any Other Religion In History." - Harari (9/25/24) Is Yuval the False Prophet? Rev. 16: 12-14, Matt 24:37, Dan 7:25
Yuval Noah Harari | "The 10 Commandments Doesn't Acknowledge That It Emerged From Human Imagination. It Has No Mechanism to Admit It's Own Mistakes. The 10th Commandment Actually Endorses Slavery." - 9/25/24
Yuval Noah Harari | "Christianity Which Sees Itself As the Religion of Love Was Responsible for More Violence Than Any Other Religion In History." - Yuval Noah Harari (9/25/24) Is Yuval Noah Harari the False Prophet?
R&B Monthly Seminar: R&B Lost Tribes Fellowship (Episode #25 -- Monday, January 29th, 2024). Chairman: Mr. Yair Davidiy (Jerusalem, ISRAEL). Guest Speaker: Mr. Steve Mathe (South Carolina, U.S.A.)