2 years agoAimee 👁 🔮 So many things, so many feelings! Mood ring, Sock monkeys, Horses, Military & moreiScrySteph
2 years agoVirgo ♍ Stagnation to Stardom, Forever young, Disconnect, The Hulk, Oscar the grouch & the GrinchiScrySteph
2 years agoSomeones message from Spirit | Few step forward | Father, Son, Heart, 4 Children, & Elder energyiScrySteph
2 years agoAquarius ♒ Your element is elevating, Luck, Inspector gadget & I can-can do thisiScrySteph
2 years ago👁 🔮 Diane | You don't look like what you have been through (ink, tarot & oracle)iScrySteph
2 years ago👁 🔮 Jennifer | Spirit sings to you, Earth Angel & Emerald City(ink, tarot & oracle)iScrySteph