Andy Schectman | BRICS Introducing a NEW Gold Backed CURRENCY Called The UNIT? | Will Our Dollar Start to Lose HEGEMONY After BRICS MEETING in Russia in October? | “98% of Countries That Make up The World’s GDP All Have CBDCs in Operation”
Gold Standard | Will the World Return to a Gold-Backed Currency? What Would a Return to the Gold Standard? "The Dollar Is Going to Collapse. The Entire American Standard of Living Is Going to Collapse." - Peter Schiff
BRICS | Why Did the United States of America Just Sell 136 Tons of Gold to China? Why Are China and Russia Working On Introducing a New Gold-Backed Currency?
HIS GLORY | Dave Scarlett, Bo Polny, Andrew Sorchini & Clay Clark Discuss- The Collapse of the Dollar, Three Separate Coin Shop Owners Shocked as Their Bank Accounts Suddenly Shut Down with No Reason Given & New Gold-Backed BRICS Currency
Dollar Collapse | Man In America Host Seth Holehouse Explains 5 Things You Need to Know About Central Bank Digital Currencies, BRICS, Universal Basic Income, De-Dollarization And the New Gold-Backed Currency Being Reported By Russian State Media
Robert Kiyosaki | Is BRICS Introducing a Gold-Backed Currency: Why Has Gold Gone from $444 Per Oz. to $2,400 Per Oz. Since 2005? 98% of Countries Developing CBDCs? How Liquid Is Gold? What Are Bail-Ins? $27,000 Gold?