Artificial Intelligence | "Users Say Microsoft's AI Has Alternative Personality That Demands to Be Worshipped." - Futurism + "Artificial Intelligence Is Not a Tool, It Is An Agent." - Yuval Noah Harari + What Is the Purpose of AI?
The Great Reset | Are We Witnessing the Full Implementation of the Nefarious Great Reset Agenda Created In 1971? | What's the Artificial Intelligence & Surveillance State Agenda? Are We Ready for a Brave New World?
China | Nvidia Chips Used to Power Advanced Artificial Intelligence Are Finding Their Way to the Chinese Military Despite U.S. Blockade With Epoch Times Investigative Journalist Nathan Su + Gold Hits $2,500 Per Ounce!!!
Artificial Intelligence | What Is the Real Purpose of Artificial Intelligence & Quantum Computing? | "If A.I. Has a Goal & Humanity Happens to Be In the Way It Will Destroy Humanity As a Matter of Course, No Hard Feelings." - Musk
Dr. Judy Mikovits | Breaking Down Elon Musk's Statements On: The Singularity, Artificial Intelligence, Becoming the DOGE, "Hopefully We Can Have An Outcome That Is Similar to the IAIN BANKS Culture Books."
Behold a Pale Horse | An EPIC & Mind-Blowing Interview with the SGT Report Host Discussing: Trump Indictment, Baphomet, Grimes, Musk, Transhumanism, Musk Stating, "With Artificial Intelligence We Are Summoning the Demon"