Euphrates River | "Saying to the Sixth Angel Which Had the Trumpet, Loose the Four Angels Which Are Bound In the Great River Euphrates." - Revelation 9:14 + What Is the Connection Between The Euphrates, Gilgamesh, Nimrod & Yuval Noah Harari?
Mark of the Beast | Is the Mark of the Beast Upon Us? "You May Be An Atheist, But That Does Not Change the Fact That the MARK OF THE BEAST Is Upon Us." + Revelation 13:16-18 + 1st Thessalonians 4: 16-17
Prophetic Revelations, 52 Days of Nehemiah 6:15, Prophetic Warnings From New Film Bonhoeffer, Recurring Beast-Whore Patterns In History, 2026 Is 250th Anniversary of USA, America Elected The Anti-Christ Trump, Judgment Is Coming