10 months ago2019 IEEE EMBS Workshop: Maryam Shanechi on Neural decoding and control of multiscale brain networksnonvaxer420
10 months ago2019 IEEE EMBS Workshop - Lihong Wang on Photoacoustic tomography from organelles to humansnonvaxer420
10 months ago2019 IEEE EMBS Workshop - Jonathan Viventi on flexible electronics for neural interfacesnonvaxer420
10 months ago2019 EMBS Workshop Shadi Dayeh: 1,024 channel microelectrode arrays reveal insights into human brainnonvaxer420
10 months ago2019 IEEE EMBS Workshop - Rikky Muller on Deep tissue wireless neural interfacingnonvaxer420
10 months agoDay 2, Part 2: Brain, Mind, and Body - Cognitive Neuroengineering for Health and Wellness IEEEembs 2021nonvaxer420
10 months agoDay 2, Part 1: Brain, Mind, and Body - Cognitive Neuroengineering for Health and Wellness IEEEembs 2021nonvaxer420
10 months agoDay 1, Part 1: Brain, Mind, and Body: Cognitive Neuroengineering for Health and Wellness IEEEembs 2021nonvaxer420
10 months agoDay1 Part 2 Brain, Mind, and Body - Cognitive Neuroengineering for Health and Wellness IEEEembs 2021nonvaxer420
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10 months agoUNESCO C2GTalk: Why is it important to uphold ethics in the research on solar radiation modification?nonvaxer420
10 months agoWhat Bodies Think About: Bioelectric Computation Outside the Nervous System - NeurIPS Facebook AI Research 2018nonvaxer420