1. The Older They Get The Dumber They Get - A Fiery Lecture With Current Events

    The Older They Get The Dumber They Get - A Fiery Lecture With Current Events

  2. 📢👀Psychology, Behavioral Management, Social Engineering • Sounds like MindF#ckery to me •🕞1h 38m

    📢👀Psychology, Behavioral Management, Social Engineering • Sounds like MindF#ckery to me •🕞1h 38m

  3. Game Over for the Cabal - The Takedown of the Cabal From A to Z - Condensed Cut by Bonfire Guy

    Game Over for the Cabal - The Takedown of the Cabal From A to Z - Condensed Cut by Bonfire Guy

  4. Training Drogs to Bark at strangers in public to protection you. A trick that work grate

    Training Drogs to Bark at strangers in public to protection you. A trick that work grate